Leagues Beyond Tron’s Lasers!

5af2ddd02f3cf_LaserLeagueNow I’m going to try my damnedest not to sound like a fanboy and also shall preface by stating I’m not in any way paid off for my review. I really just enjoy this game that much, that game is Laser League.

A simple to learn, hard to master Tron-esque like game that has manages to take up quite a bit of brain space and is one of the few games where I don’t mind playing with randoms. But enough fanboying, let’s breakdown the game for the good and the possible bad qualities.

Let’s start with the bad, well honestly, I only have one issue and that is crashing. I’ve crashed to dashboard a bit when I play, I think it’s the game’s way of making sure that my epicness is contained, not really, but yeah, this sucks. Another bad would be the fact that I don’t think you can mute that randomly obnoxious teammate who has this need to either being ragey and yell until your ears bleed or they happen to be singing until your ears bleed. I’ve dealt with both.

Now on to the good things about this game, shall we?

For starters the game has a nice art style that like I mentioned before, reminds me of Tron, but instead of bikes creating death trails, we have pylons that move about the map spreading chaos wherever they move. Then we have the team focus aspect, which for some could be a burden if you don’t like playing with randoms or have encountered the “Ear Killers”.

This game was made to be a party game as well, as you LOCAL MULTIPLAYER that supports up 8 players. In this day and age of gaming, local ANYTHING is a miracle in of itself. You can also use the local multiplayer to check out the various maps that are in the game to learn some strategies and practice any of the 6 classes.

The classes in this game are varied enough and each have their own level of difficulty. If I was do my personal difficulty scaling I would put it as Snipe, Ghost, Blade, Thief, Shock, and Smash, but some people will pick up their respective classes, but learning them all will help you know how to play against them and even counter pick.

Overall Laser League is a sleeper hit that I can definitely seeing having a cult following that will keep the game alive and thriving. With all the cosmetic unlocks in the game along with the ability to add in new maps and laser compositions, this game has near infinite expandability!

Definitely would say to pick this game up or even wait for a free weekend and give it a shot, but honestly, $15 is not bad for hours of entertainment, that’s pretty much a movie ticket in today’s economy.

Rating: 4.5/5 – Superb game

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